Booking a stay at The Granary
The minimum stay at the Granary is 2 or 3 nights depending on the time of year and except for the following period, where it is 7 days:
- Summer; early July to early September
The booking calendar on the next page shows unavailable dates as crossed out.
Dates are greyed out between the check in date you have selected and the minimum stay check out date. Greyed out dates DOES NOT mean they are not available (ONLY crossed out dates mean this) just that you need to select a minimum stay of a certain number of nights.
​If you would like to request something different you can email us directly to discuss.
When booking on the next page you will be agreeing to our Terms and Conditions and will be charged 50% of the cost immediately and the rest two weeks before your arrival.
Before booking a ferry: Wait for our information email (usually comes within a few hours) as we suggest ways to get very good discounts on crossings.